Why We Think It’s Best You Don’t Live In Your Staged Home While It’s On The Market

By now we have all heard about the benefits of staging a home when selling. Staging involves setting up your home in a way that makes it more appealing to potential buyers. However, living in a staged home while it’s on the market can be challenging but it may also impact your sale. A few reasons why you should consider temporarily moving out during the selling process.


It’s Difficult To Maintain The Staged Look

Staging involves removing personal items, decluttering, and rearranging the furniture to make your home look more appealing and spacious. It’s picture perfect with pressed linens and carefully arranged furniture and decor. However maintaining the staged look is a challenge, especially if you have children or pets. Cooking leaves odours and cleaning up for every single showing is stressful for the whole family. Often showings will into the late evening, which is hardly conducive to the schedules of small children.

It Can Be Inconvenient

Living in a staged home can also be inconvenient. You’ll need to be ready to vacate your home at a moment’s notice for showings can be disruptive.


We Recommend

Moving out or staying with family during the selling process isn’t ideal, but it’s a short-lived inconvenience. We often recommend finding an Airbnb in your neighbourhood so as not to disrupt children’s schedules or your daily routines.

If you’re planning to sell your home, it’s well worth considering moving out during the selling process. This will give you peace of mind while making it easier for prospective buyers to see the potential of the space.


Contact StageLuxe Today!

With StageLuxe’s home staging services we provide a holistic home staging service drawing inspiration from your neighbourhood and your home’s unique features. We want to ensure your home looks its best and brings you results! Contact us today and let’s get started on your project!